bring me the finest muffins and bagels in the land

Dec 22, 2011 10:36

Yuletide victory is mine! And AO3 is still running very smoothly. Which was a pleasant surprise.

And my date last night went quite satisfactorily, thank you. \o/

Nothing in particular to add about the latest round of LJ fuckwittery. I continue to be
kaydeefalls at DW, which has become my primary home. The downside of Dreamwidth at the moment is that most fannish activity is still centered around LJ; but once enough of us get active over here, that will slowly shift. And please, I've been on LJ for close to a decade, I LOVE the community it fostered, and I will be very, very sad if fandom shifts over to someplace like tumblr instead. (Tumblr is great for image-based fannishness, but oh god, do I ever despise their interface for actual, like, communication. And I'm a very text-based fan myself, so, really not ideal.)

This entry was originally posted on Dreamwidth. Comment wherever you'd like.

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