rich man, poor man, beggarman, thief

Dec 19, 2011 20:38

Saw "Tinker Tailor" today. ♥_♥ I'm fond of the book, and the movie does an EXCELLENT job condensing the plot and keeping it moving. I feel like it was very obvious that Haydon was the mole, but I'm not sure if that's because I knew it going in or because, well, Colin Firth vs. three character actors no one's ever heard of. (Okay, yes, I'm familiar with both Ciaran Hinds and Toby Jones, but still.) But that's besides the point. Love that they kept the Haydon/Prideaux [sub]text; want young!Bill/Jim fic quite a lot now please, fuck why wasn't this movie released a month earlier so that I could have requested it for Yuletide. And they deliberately queered Guillam, too, which I'm pretty sure is NOT from the book, but was awesome anyway. (Oddly enough, in the book I got the strong impression that Haydon was sleeping with both of the Smileys; not so much in the film.) The cinematography was brilliantly ugly, in the best way possible -- this is such a gray, petty world; no wonder men like Smiley prefer playing constant mind games rather than actually living in it. And, wow, way to take an absurdly attractive cast (Firth, Oldman, Cumberbatch, Hardy...) and make them all as unattractive as possible, between the gray and the the unforgiving camera and the horrible horrible '70s haircuts.

By pure coincidence, I read a Sherlock/Inception crossover fic with Eames recruiting Sherlock onto a job right before seeing this movie. So watching Benedict Cumberbatch beat the snot out of Tom Hardy made me LOL just a little bit.

They definitely need to film more of the Smiley series with this cast. I definitely need to read more of the Smiley series first, though.

And because clearly the universe is pleased to give me Benedict Cumberbatch today, Sherlock series 2 clips. I AM SO EXCITE.

...and speaking of Gary Oldman and Tom Hardy, new Dark Knight Rises trailer. My fandoms, they have so many overlaps.

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random fandom, films

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