stuff, and also things.

Feb 09, 2011 13:04

I have never liked talking on the phone. Dunno why. I just hate it. I'd much rather communicate via e-mail or even text, or face to face. Phones make me deeply unhappy. I think it's because I'm far more articulate with the written word than the spoken; when interacting directly with people, I rely heavily on visual cues to get me through conversations. Phone is all the problems of verbal communication with no help visually. It's not a major issue by any means -- my interpersonal issues are minor, and I'm fairly high-functioning on the scale of social awkwardness. But I just really, really dislike speaking on phones.

So probably I should not be surprised how draining a day job that primarily revolves around answering phones can be for me. Bah.

Unrelatedly, I'm nearing the halfway point in Buffy S3. DAMN this show is addictive. "Lovers Walk" is pretty much my new favorite episode EVER, apart from the emo-tastic ending. Spike moping over Dru is second in hilarity only to the utter awesomesauce that is Spike taunting Angel from behind Joyce's back, oh my god, I will never stop laughing over that. And then Buffy calmly inviting Angel in so they could kick his scrawny ass, MADE OF WIN. It occurs to me that Buffy/Angel/Spike is quickly becoming the OT3 of my heart. I love their shifting alliances and sometimes-teamwork and all the variations on the three of them. And since Buffy/Angel, Buffy/Spike, and Spike/Angel seem to be the predominant pairings of the fandom, I suppose I'll do well enough once I'm ready to look for fic, but I really do hope there's a decent sampling of OT3-ness out there. They're just far more interesting to me as a triad than any of the pairings on their own. (And I'm starting to really dislike the trope that someone can only "really" love one person at a time, because that's just blatantly untrue. The whole Willow/Xander affair hit that squick hard. Not that I approve of cheating on one's significant other, and they handled it badly -- duh, TEENAGERS -- but basically, they're being punished for caring deeply about more than one person at a time. And that's just dumb.)

fandom: btvs

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