yup, definitely gonna need a buffy icon.

Feb 04, 2011 16:30

I just had to pause in the middle of "Phases" to say: Oz's reaction to realizing he's a werewolf? A++++ OMG, BRB LOLING FOREVER.


The classic Whedon "...huh"! The call to his aunt! "Is Geordie a werewolf?...Uh-huh. So how long has that been going on?" <3 <3 <3 <3

(We are not discussing "Surprise"/"Innocence", because I figured out about two minutes into "Surprise" that this would in fact be the part where Buffy loses her virginity to Angel and returns him to EVIL!Angelus state. Which sketches me out so very much, but I do respect the fact that the show clearly knows how utterly skeevy that trope is and outright acknowledges it, and the moment with Giles at the end is so so so perfect. While Whedon has a tendency to fail on several levels, most noticeably with race, he does have a brilliant way with taking established tropes and skewering or subverting them that I ADORE.)

(And while I was really getting into Angel-as-Scooby-gang-member -- his weird pseudo-friendship with Willow was kind of adorable -- EVIL!Angelus with Spike and Drusilla is already a GREAT deal of fun. And now it occurs to me that Dru is one of the only primary characters whose fate I haven't been spoiled for, but I don't remember her name coming up in later season discussions [unlike Tara, Anya, Illyria, Faith...] which probably means she'll die at some point in the near future. Meh.)

(I really don't know why I'm still typing in parentheses.)

fandom: btvs

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