i'm going to need a damn buffy icon soon. bah.

Jan 29, 2011 18:57

Despite being a child of the 90s and an avid sci-fi/fantasy lover, not to mention a huge Whedon fan, I somehow had never watched any BtVS or Angel. I know, I know. Caught an episode or two here and there, and I know a fair amount about the show and the characters from fandom osmosis, but there you have it. But all of BtVS is on Netflix streaming now, and having finished Avatar, this is my new project.

I may have watched nearly all of S1 over the course of my bus trips to and from NYC last weekend. Um.

SO ANYWAY. I'm only up to early S2 (look, it's Spike! HI SPIKE I HAVE HEARD ABOUT YOU, and it's about goddamn time the evil on this show started enjoying itself), but, y'know, I've been spoiled for just about everything important already, and I know that at some point down the road Willow starts casting spells and stuff. Can anyone give me any examples of specific episodes in which Willow plays with magic? Preferably in showy ways? It's for vid purposes, and since I haven't gotten that far along, I don't know which episodes to download for source. And I need it rather sooner than I will have the chance to finish the series.


It's kind of hilarious to watch this show more than a decade after it first aired. They get so excited about Willow's computer hacking in S1! Everyone looks so young -- jesus christ on a pogo stick, no wonder everyone was in love with Angel, he is smoking hot in the early seasons, and I don't really find David Boreanaz attractive normally. Likewise James Marsters -- and now I can see exactly how much John Hart was written as Spike Redux, right down to the twisted authority-figure issues with Angel/Jack. HEE. And Willow is the adorablest, obviously. I want to squish her lots. The one real downside to how very, very spoiled I've been for this show is that it's hard for me to properly ship anyone, because I know it will all end HORRIBLY for every canon pairing. So instead I'm going to quietly root for Buffy/Cordelia, which will never happen and therefore will never break my heart. SO THERE.

fandom: btvs

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