
Jan 21, 2011 09:01

Oh good, I've landed a new stage management gig. Not that sleeping and weekends aren't lovely, but it hasn't quite been three weeks since the last show closed and I'm already BOUNCING OFF THE WALLS with boredom. This one is...well, I'm probably overqualified for it, since it's ASM with a smaller non-equity theater company, and it pays less than I've gotten used to, working with the Big Theater all this year. BUT it's a gig. And it's a play I'm rather fond of, and it'll keep me busy, and it's a theater company I've never worked with before -- so maybe next time, they'll hire me as proper SM. And because I'm just the assistant and it's non-eq, the schedule will be much less punishing than the last one, so I'm less likely to lose my mind. \o/

This also means I've officially given up on the job I thought-I'd-had-but-they-flaked, since the schedules would conflict. I'm still pissed off about that, by the by. Especially since they didn't even have the courtesy of responding to any of my follow-up e-mails. GRUMP.

So! Now I have a new gig to bitch about for the next couple of months. AREN'T YOU ALL THRILLED.

i'm a stage manager. i manage stages.

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