Oct 04, 2010 20:07
I have survived all of tech week, previews, and press opening of my show. Today was the first day I didn't have to be at the theater in...two weeks? Three? I've lost count. All I know is that I got off work from my day job at 3pm and COULDN'T HANDLE THE FREEDOM. I could go straight home! And get in my pajamas! And read fic or stream Netflix all afternoon! WHAT.
For the most part, running a show is far less time-intensive and stressful than the rehearsal process. I only have to manage five performances per week, and the show itself is only 90 mins long. This is almost like a vacation in my world! Except, you know, with my day job on top of that. But still. Practically restful.
Trying to reawaken my creativity, now that I have some free time again. I have two very determined vid bunnies...for Inception. FAIL. It's kind of hard vidding when there's no good source available. *sadface* Stupid movie fandoms. If Inception were a TV show, I'd have made like five vids for it already. As it is, I have to wait until it comes out on DVD and I can rip a decent source. BAH. But, yeah, I have an ensemble vid and an Ariadne-centric vid on the storyboard in my head, and would like to get on those someday.
There's also an Eames&Arthur fic that I thought was going to be light and amusing and now has taken a sudden turn for the very, very bleak. I'm a little disturbed by how bleak, actually. Not that it's disturbing in a triggery sense, just -- whoa, brain, way to be pessimistic and depressing. Which is sad, because I really, really like happy endings, or at least vaguely positive ones if you tilt your head and squint at them right. We'll see if I can scrounge any happiness out of this one. BUT SERIOUSLY, THIS FIC WAS SUPPOSED TO BE SILLY FUN, WHERE DID THIS COME FROM, I DON'T EVEN.
Um. Hi?