various and sundry

Jan 21, 2010 10:10

Wow, getting up at 6:30am for work and not getting home until midnight or later after rehearsal does not equal much sleep, shockingly enough. And this will be my schedule every weekday for the next month. I'm...really tired. Stage managing: not the least stressful job ever, to put it mildly. I knew way back when I accepted this gig that I was going to be in over my head -- I just don't have enough stage management experience under my belt yet to take on this gig at this level of professional theater -- but I'm handling it. Which doesn't mean I'm not making mistakes, but nothing huge, and I'm learning from them. It's a bit like learning to swim by being dumped in the middle of the ocean. Sinking is not an option, so I'm swimming. Somehow.

Two different vid bunnies bit hard at pretty much the exact same time earlier this week, but I don't really have any downtime to work on them. So I've basically been listening to the two songs on repeat on my iPod all week instead, while I gradually rip the source for one (Firefly) and, ah, finish watching the other (Merlin).

MERLIN. I've been stealing an hour or so where I can to work my way through S2, and yesterday I watched "Sins of the Father" and "Lady of the Lake" -- otherwise known as the Oh Hey, Bradley James And Colin Morgan Can Actually Act episodes. Okay, no, it's not like I didn't like them before, because I did, very much so. But "Sins of the Father" -- OH MY GOODNESS ARTHUR, the scene with him confronting Uther was just asdfkl;jhasdfadjkfhe. We've never seen Arthur lose his shit like that. ARTHUR. <3 <3 <3 <3 And then "Lady of the Lake", which, okay, not a particularly fantastic plotline there, Freya was very sweet but it's way OOC for Merlin to just decide he's going to drop everything and run away with her and abandon Arthur and his destiny without a second thought -- just, seriously, what? But Colin Morgan played it all so earnestly and believably, because young love and how it completely boggles you and makes you do dumb, dumb things and breaks your heart. (Keep in mind: my shipping preferences in this show are EVERYONE/EVERYONE, so I am totally cool with Merlin being totally in love with both Arthur and Freya --and Gwen and Morgana and possibly Lancelot -- at the same time.) And then the send-off of Freya in the boat -- which, one, very Lady of Shalott there, and two, gorgeous -- OH MY HEART. Colin Morgan is just...beyond perfect in that scene. I am a sucker for that quiet, understated emotion, where he's in control of it and in control of it but it just kind of spills over and almost surprises him but god, no, he's in control of it -- that moment where he starts to say the spell and just chokes on it, just ever so slightly, and...oh, god. It would have been so easy to overact that scene, and he just kept it quiet and okay, I don't really have the words, clearly, but that one moment was just pitch-perfect and broke me. And then the last scene between him and Arthur fixed me again. BOYS.

That said, not enough of my girls in this season. Gwen is always perfect, but I wish she had more screen time. Morgana has been BADLY shafted. We almost never see her at all! And she's not given much to work with when we do. This saddens me deeply, because I think she's the most interesting character with a huge amount of potential, and it seems like the writers don't know what to do with her at all. Also, spoilers I've heard for the last couple of episodes make me pretty certain my Morgana fic has been thoroughly Jossed, though I'm not sure I care.

Other fandom -- I don't tend to be put off by spoilers and speculation, and prefer to wait and see before making any kind of judgment call, but the US Torchwood I'd like a season 4 of Torchwood. I'd be interested to see what changes would be made to the show -- after CoE, we're obviously going to get a few significant differences. But to remake it entirely? WHY? And on Fox, seriously? :/ I'm willing to take the rumors with a very large grain of salt, and hey, maybe it'll be interesting. I just...don't get it. At all.

fandom: merlin, i'm a stage manager. i manage stages.

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