bad bunny. no carrot.

Nov 09, 2009 20:54

I really, really want to write the fic where S2 of Torchwood follows the writers' original plans, and Ianto's the one who gets zombified instead of Owen. Ever since I learned that, I've been sort of rewriting the second half of the season in my head, and wondering what it would've been like. I think it could be really, really interesting. Also long and plotty and difficult to write.

But holy mother of God, I do not want to go there, it would break my heart. And also, that is so not the fic this fandom wants to read right now.

Anyway. Back to the CoE fix-it fic of perpetual unfinishedness. I have a major plot point that I haven't figured out how to make work yet -- I feel like that New Yorker cartoon: that I know the lead up, and I know the end result, but how the fuck I logically get the plot from point A to point B is a complete fucking mystery to me. This is stalling me badly on the fic as a whole. Stupid plot.

fandom: torchwood, ficcishness

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