fatal weakness for gingerbread

Sep 28, 2009 20:18

Nnngk. I need to learn to STOP EATING when I'm full. Why does the "but this is so tasty!" part of my brain always, always defeat the "but my stomach is going to explode!" part? Oh, gingerbread, why so delicious?

It's no great surprise that I'm gaining weight. Ah, well.

There are things in my life that I'm reasonably happy with right now, and things that would make me panic if I thought about them too hard, so I'm going to ignore all the RL stuff and focus on fandom instead.

To watch:
-latest episode of Merlin
-season premiere of Dollhouse
-pilot of that new show FlashForward
And actually start working my way through LAST season's House, which I managed to bypass entirely, and continue working my way through How I Met Your Mother (a few eps into S2 now).

Am still working my way through New Who & Torchwood with my friend -- we finished S1 Torchwood last night and are halfway through S3 Who. It was very amusing to watch him get completely sucked into Torchwood despite himself. Also, is it just me, or is Ianto's body language in reacting to Jack's first "End of Days" death (when Owen shoots him) basically identical to his reaction to Lisa's death in "Cyberwoman"? It really struck me this time.

Ianto is smoking hot in "Captain Jack Harkness", by the by. Don't ask me why. It ranks right up there with "Meat" and CoE: Day Three in my personal scale of Episodes In Which Ianto Jones Is Absurdly Attractive. Something about the badassery combined with his usually immaculate attire coming ever so slightly undone and rumpled and the guns and the edge of desperation and NNGK. Um. Anyway.

Along similar lines, man, I feel like I've read every halfway decent Jack/Ianto fic three or four times over at least, and yet I continue trawling for more. I'm reading the mediocre ones now, at least until they commit offenses of grammar or characterization too grave to continue suffering through. Like "Yan." That will NEVER BE OKAY.

Still working on fic(s). Not as much as I should be, but they're coming together. I keep writing in bits and bobs without ever sitting down and hammering out full scenes. Once this show is over, I'll have a few weeks' break between gigs to finish at least one of them, I hope.

Aaand, for the hell of it, meme:
Ask me a fandom, and I will tell you:

+ Runner-up
+ Honorable mention(s)
+ Crack pairing(s)
+ Ship everyone else seems to like, but I don't

I feel like I'm blatantly obvious about my shipping preferences, but what the hey.

rl randomness, fandom: torchwood

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