oh, shippiness.

May 26, 2009 18:14

That was a decent mostly-holiday weekend (had to work Sunday night). Did a lot of writing, hung out with a lot of cool people, bought and wore a pretty dress, did a bit of stage management prep, didn't get much sleep. Kinda wish I'd gotten more sleep, but otherwise good.

Here, have a meme.

Name your 15 absolutely favorite couples (het/slash/canon/fanon) and ask people to see what trends they notice about your couples. Try to pick different fandoms. (Do not try to put them in any kind of order if this will cause your brain to implode and eat up hours of your life. - Ed)

Roughly in chronological order of personal fannishness:

1. Mulder/Scully (X-Files)
2. Merry/Pippin (LOTR)
3. Dominic/Elijah (Lotrips)
4. Remus/Sirius (HP)
5. Charles Xavier/Erik Lensherr (X-Men)
6. Dan Rydell/Casey McCall (Sports Night)
7. Wash/Zoe (Firefly)
8. Stuart/Vince (Queer As Folk UK)
9. House/Wilson (House)
10. Scripps/Posner (History Boys)
11. Kara Thrace/Lee Adama (BSG)
12. CJ Cregg/Danny Concannon (West Wing)
13. Doctor/Rose (Doctor Who)
14. Jack/Ianto (Torchwood)
15. Winters/Nixon (Band of Brothers)

Well, I sure as hell know what that says about me. All but three of those pairings (7, 12, 14) are best-friends-becoming-lovers. That's TWELVE out of fifteen pairings (and, frankly, you could argue that CJ/Danny develops along similar lines, though they're more sparring partners than "best friends"). This is a bulletproof kink for my OTPs, where that line between intense friendship and romantic love blurs. Likewise in my personal life, which is why I have so few romantic relationships, and why I despise the dating scene. Attraction, for me, comes from trust, which comes from friendship. And that's the sort of relationship I read (and write) over and over and over again.

Hmmm, let's see. About a third (including all of the het pairings) are explicitly canon -- and that number would skyrocket if I'd included any of my secondary OTPs on this list (Faramir/Eowyn! Jeremy/Natalie! Josh/Donna! Helo/Athena! Ron/Hermione!), but I was trying to keep it to one pairing per fandom. The rest, though not canon, are pretty fucking close, and probably only AREN'T canon because neither character is canonically gay; RPF aside, I think my only completely-out-of-the-blue pairing on that list is Scripps/Posner.

There is a lot of slash on that list, which probably surprises no one, but in all honesty, I don't consider myself to primarily be a slasher. Shipper, yes, but it's more that a lot of those fandoms are dominated by male characters, so it's just more likely for me to lean towards the slash. In fandoms with more dominant female characters (Firefly, West Wing, X-Files...), I tend towards het. And a lot of my secondary OTPs are het as well (see above special mentions).

There is no femslash on this list, which actually makes me kind of sad. I very rarely ship two women, though there are a number of pairings I'll gladly read (Kaylee/Inara! Kara/Kat! CJ/ANYONE EVER! Any combo of Rose/Martha/Donna!). I'm not sure whether this says more about myself or the really depressing representation of women in popular media. This may also change once I start actually watching Merlin, because the Gwen/Morgana looks pretty awesome from where I'm sitting.

I dunno. What do you think?

random fandom

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