Doctor Who Easter Special

Apr 12, 2009 18:42

Well, that was fun. Liked Christina, a bit sorry we won't be seeing more of her, but eh, she was no Donna. Or Martha. Or Rose. Sure, the Doctor may have given his woobie emo line about not traveling with anyone again, but more importantly, she was far too amoral a character to work as a companion. Go join Torchwood, love. Also, was just a little bit squicked by the Magical Negro-ness of that psychic character, but otherwise liked Team Bus. I love UNIT, and its continuing motto of "When in doubt, shoot it." Fun little escapade all around.

More importantly.


"He will knock four times."

Raise your hand if you immediately started tapping out the sound of the drums on that line. MASTER RETURNING Y/MOTHERFUCKING Y?!

fandom: doctor who

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