yeah, i don't know

Mar 29, 2009 21:13

The show I'm ASMing opens tomorrow. So tonight I baked snickerdoodles. Obviously.

Yeah, I'm not sure why I'm wired like this, either.

In fandom news, Dollhouse continues its two-episode streak of actually being a good show ("Have you not seen my drawer of inappropriate starches?"), I continue to be easily distracted by the Obvious And Epic Love Of Winters And Nixon (that weird look they exchange at Carentan! REPLACEMENTS!), and my tardis_bigbang fic is clocking in at about 10,000 words with no goddamn end in sight. I've been hammering out the plot a bit more, and hopefully should have no problem getting to the necessary 15,000 words for the draft due in a month, but I'm worried that this thing is going to need way more than 20,000 words to complete itself, and that I'm less confident about. On the plus side, my life is calming down significantly now that my show is opening -- I actually will have a couple of evenings free every week, and when I'm backstage during the shows, I have a decent amount of downtime to spend writing in my notebook. So here's hoping? I've been way too distracted by BoB fandom lately, it's hard getting back into a Torchwood mindset at the moment. But I'd really like to finish this thing, so.

My apartment smells like cinnamon. Mmm.

rl randomness, ficcishness

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