It has been a rather staggeringly unproductive year, writing-wise, but I think I'm starting to get back in gear. Or, well, at least I hope so.
Fics written this year:
Doctor Who:
Life in Technicolor (Rose/Doctor, Rose/Jack)
The History Boys:
Memento Mori (Scripps/Posner)
now for a breath i tarry (Scripps/Posner, Scripps/Dakin)
Staging (Rebel Without A Cause Remix) (ensemble gen)
West Wing:
the day the music died (AU, ensemble gen)
Freefall (CJ/various or CJ gen, depending how you look at it)
And the Firefly Crossover Of Doom,
Respite, which was really eight fics in one:
crossroad blues (Supernatural, Dean + Jayne)
all of them are true (QAF UK, Vince/Stuart + Zoe)
taking out the trash (Iron Man, Pepper + Kaylee)
occam's razor (House, Chase + House + Simon)
the unquiet dead (Doctor Who, Rose/Doctor + River)
evidence of things not seen (West Wing, Will + Inara)
detour (X-Files, Mulder/Scully + Mal)
downloaded (BSG, Hybrid + Wash)
And then, one vid:
All These Things That I've Done (Doctor Who/Torchwood, Captain Jack Harkness)
Favorite(s) of the batch:
Life in Technicolor, I think. Possibly because I've fallen head over heels for the Doctor Who/Torchwood fandom, but this fic just spilled out of me -- over 11,000 words written in under two weeks, which is a LOT by my woeful standards. And I just think it works. In fact, I like the post-Doomsday history I created for Rose so much, I'm in the middle of writing a sequel of sorts, reconnecting her with our universe, and it is becoming a bloody EPIC. So, um, that.
Best of the batch:
Life in Technicolor, again, or maybe
Memento Mori, which I think is very solid and very, very true to canon.
Most underappreciated by the universe:
Freefall. It never got much love, and I'm not sure why. Probably because the fandom had more or less died out already, or just bad karma. But I still like that fic quite a lot -- it's kind of a love letter to CJ Cregg, and the really uncomfortable place she's stuck in during Bartlet's MS scandal.
Most fun to write:
Parts of
Respite -- the West Wing and Queer As Folk crossovers in particular were great fun. Other parts, of course, were like pulling teeth.
Sexiest fic:
Freefall. It is very, very rare that I write NC-17 fic. VERY rare. That one is. I mean, CJ is already pretty damn sexy, and then it's fantasy!sex with about half of the other characters in the show. I like my CJ/Ainsley in particular.
"Holy crap, that's wrong even for you" fic:
I didn't push any boundaries like that this time around. Closest would be the Supernatural crossover in
Respite, but only because I don't even like that fandom. And yet the image of Jayne and Dean beating the crap out of each other was not to be resisted.
Fic that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
The Doctor Who crossover in
Respite: the Unquiet Dead, which was my first attempt in that fandom. It really shaped my personal interpretation of Rose's character, and then in Firefly-verse, I finally got River for the first time. River is really hard to write.
Hardest fic to write:
The House crossover in
Respite: Occam's Razor. PULLING TEETH. Gah. I have no particular connection with Simon as a character, and I'm completely at sea when it comes to the medical side of House fics, so it was a complete marriage of inconvenience for me. Argh.
Biggest disappointment:
Staging (Rebel Without A Cause Remix). Nothing in particular wrong with it -- it's just kind of eh. I'm crap at remixes, I don't know why I sign up for them every year.
Biggest surprise:
All These Things That I've Done. It's a VID! Where on earth did THAT come from?
Most telling fic:
Freefall, hands down. The last scene, in particular -- CJ alone -- very much channeled the place I was in personally at that time, and it wasn't pretty. There's a lot of me in that CJ.