knowing more than sarah palin: not so hard, actually

Oct 01, 2008 20:32

The Rules: Post info about ONE Supreme Court decision, modern or historic to your lj. (Any decision, as long as it's not Roe v. Wade.) For those who see this on your f-list, take the meme to your OWN lj to spread the fun.

How about the classic Brown v. Board of Education, which desegregated schools? I mean, that's a fairly obvious one. And, by extension, Plessy v. Ferguson, which Brown overturned (ye olde "separate but equal" argument of great bullshittasticness). Going back a little further in African-American history, we have the Dred Scott case (Dred Scott v. Sandford, which I did have to look up because I don't think the "v. Sandford" part was ever mentioned in my history classes), which was another royally crap decision by a royally racist Supreme Court. Um, I'm not sure what it says about me that these are the three cases that come to my mind first.

But seriously, Palin, how could you not name a single case other than Roe? COME ON.


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