Jun 07, 2008 11:47
I've hit a hell of a snag in my solo travels around Tuscany: practically no reasonably-priced and reasonably GOOD hostels in the region offer dorm beds. They offer things like "4-bed private" rooms, which is very cheap for four people sharing that room, but if you're just one person, you have to pay for the ENTIRE ROOM -- the price listed times four.
I will have to pay a LOT more for a single bed in almost every area I wanted to visit. So, basically, I'm being penalized for having no friends. Nice.
I'm actually really upset about this, because suddenly it's financially prohibitive for me to stay in most of the towns I was excited about seeing.
ETA: I've made it work. I'm spending more than I'd like, or booking beds in hostels that are farther out of the way than I'd prefer, but them's the breaks.
epic fail,