top fives

Apr 10, 2008 16:04

For the Top 5! meme, courtesy of such_heights:

Top 5 History Boys moments
It should be mentioned that I finally saw a live production of this last weekend, which was...kind of disappointing, actually. I had serious issues with the director and some of the casting (Posner, Irwin, and Hector were all really weak, which is never good, although Dakin was terrific). But my love for the play itself (and the movie) remains undimmed!
1. Posner singing "Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered" to Dakin. PRICELESS. With Posner clearly undressing Dakin with his eyes, and the boys all nudging each other, and Scripps's shit-eating grin.
2. The French scene, in the "brothel" (and then "army hospital"). "Pour dix francs, je vous montre mes prodigeuses poitrines!"
3. Well, Dakin seducing Irwin, clearly. The terrified-longing look on Irwin's face.
4. Mrs. Lintott's tirade about women in history. "What is history? History is women following behind with a bucket!"
5. ...followed, of course, by Rudge's definition of history. (see icon)
There are so, so many, though. <3 history boys.

Your 5 favourite fics you've written
1. The Ivory Horn. Hands down.
2. The Years of the Rat, a.k.a. the Peter!fic.
3. the centre cannot hold.
4. Okay, after those, it gets harder, because I change my mind about whether or not I like or despise my own writing several times a day. Um. Also, I'm inclined to like more recent fics better than older ones, which is...logical, actually. Okay. Four Ways House Might Have Met Wilson (But Probably Didn't) was fun.
5. I feel so egotistical right now. Eep. I'm going to be wacky and say Queen of Narnia, just because otherwise HP would be way overrepresented.

Your 5 most read books
1. Okay, this is slightly embarrassing, but whatever. I have reread Tamora Pierce's Alanna and Daine series at least once or twice a year since I was in middle school. I still do this. My love for those books, and how they have shaped me as a person...yeah. They're not perfect by any means, but I love them dearly. This is why I want to write YA fantasy myself: to affect just one young girl the way these books touched me. Corny, no? Anyway, I'm counting them as one "book", because otherwise this list is really silly.
2. All right, I'm lumping in several other YA fantasy series in here, too. Patricia C Wrede's Enchanted Forest books and Mairelon the Magician, Garth Nix's Sabriel, Phillip Pullman's His Dark Materials...
3. Tom Clancy's Hunt For Red October et al. Don't you judge me.
4. I'm drawing a blank at the moment, because I am at work and not at home with my bookcases, but Lord of the Rings should probably be on here somewhere, though I haven't read it in its entirety all that many times (maybe four or five? Whatever, I reread books all the damn time, that actually isn't that much for me).
5. Maybe Ender's Game? I'm about due for another reread of that, anyway. I feel like I'm missing something painfully obvious, though. I really like rereading books.

Also, ldmoonflower asked for Top 5 Ben&Jerry's flavors, but you know what's weird? I almost never eat ice cream, so I really don't know. A lot of them look tasty, but generally my sweet tooth calls for cookies/cupcakes or candy, not ice cream. Unless it's the middle of summer, and even then, not so much. It's weird. I really like ice cream. I just never crave it.

book love, ficcishness, fandom: history boys

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