for fuck's sake

Mar 20, 2008 09:18

Wow, nothing starts the day out right like some asshole yelling at me over the phone and basically calling me an idiot. And all I did was pass on, verbatim, information that was given to me! Under further investigation (after I'd passed him on to someone else), I found that the person I'd asked for help had misunderstood my question and given me the wrong set of info (clearing codes instead of futures symbols), so I had in fact told the guy something stupid, but jesus christ. What a fucking jerk. If he'd just said, y'know, that doesn't sound quite right, could you doublecheck that, I'd have been able to correct the error, but instead he completely berated me for it and made me so flustered I couldn't even begin to sort it out. And now I'm sitting here crying at my desk over something that completely was not my fault.

It's amazing how something silly like this has the power to completely ruin my morning.

Happy Thursday.

rantish things

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