
Nov 29, 2007 00:08

Life would be halfway decent right now if I didn't have the sore throat from hell. Usually, these things creep up gradually on me, which at least gives me some warning. Today, I was on my way back from the gym, swallowed, and my throat randomly exploded. Metaphorically, of course. Chicken soup helped temporarily. DayQuil did next to nothing, although I got through rehearsal without too much misery, so maybe it worked more than I thought. Ever the optimist, I've just downed some NyQuil. And will now proceed to pray, or something. I do not have time to get sick right now. Really no. Hopefully, it'll dissipate eventually without getting worse first.

Also, shit, I really need to get cracking on my yuletide fic. It's somewhat disheartening to have 2000+ words written and yet know you've barely gotten started. Wah. And crack_van fandom overview to write up in a few days, although I've at least mostly finished collected my recs for the month. I suppose it's just as well my temp agency sucks and hasn't found me any new work for the past week and a half.

But the show's going well, so that's something.

rl randomness, ficcishness

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