icon meme

Oct 23, 2007 16:25

Stolen most recently from tvillingar: comment and I'll pick seven of your icons, and then you will explain why you love/are using the icon (who doesn't love talking about their icons, seriously) and then post your explanation/this meme in your journal for other people to squee about their icons, and basically it will be a huge squee-fest of love and 100x100 square pixels.


Pyro from X2, clearly. I loved his emo bad-boy-ness at the time, because he was made of snark and explosions. I mainly love this icon because it is my all-purpose RAGE icon, when I yearn to go blow up some cars or something.

rules rules rules

NERVE GAS IS NOT A TOY. This is a small chunk of a most glorious poster I have up on my wall, of Bart Simpson and the perennial chalkboard. It's covered with useful reminders such as "I will not expose the ignorance of the faculty" and "Organ transplants are best left to the professionals". There are so many silly rules that we have to follow as a society; I like this icon for when I'm feeling anti-authority or, alternately, when my soul feels a bit crushed and I need the reminder that I canNOT go blow shit up.

going to my happy place

A photo I took of St. Stephen's Green, in Dublin. I adored that park. Whenever I was feeling particularly shitty that year in Ireland (which was all too often), I would head over to St. Stephen's Green and just surround myself in beauty for a while. It's my escapism, the place in my head I retreat to when I need some peace.

we love porn

Another Dublin photo, of my favoritest shop EVER. I never actually went inside it, but my god, did it have a brilliant name. (They sold, y'know, doorknobs and other such fripperies.) For the non-native English speakers among us, knob = penis and knockers = breasts. Awesome, awesome name. We love porn.


This is a redundant icon by my standards, since I'm far more likely to use my Firefly "Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!" icon to express the same sentiments. But Robert Sean Leonard and Keanu Reeves are just so very pretty in this movie, I couldn't resist. It's the scene from Much Ado About Nothing where Don John (Reeves) convinces Claudio (RSL) that his fiancee is shagging someone else. So, both the imagined betrayal of Claudio's true love (which, btw, very much not true) and the very real betrayal of his friendship by Don John, who just likes stirring up trouble for the hell of it.

I am the adorablest

I love hamsters quite a lot. This icon is pure silliness. ATTACK HAMSTER OF DEATH!

lone dissenter

I don't think I've ever had occasion to actually use this icon, but I keep it around just in case. It's Henry Fonda from 12 Angry Men, one of my favorite movies. It's the power of one person to make a very real difference by standing up for what they believe in, and given the current political situation in the US and the world, I'm sure this icon will have its day sooner or later.

So, any takers?


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