the LJ thing

Aug 08, 2007 21:39

I have nothing to say about LJ's most recent asshattery that hasn't been said already by far more eloquent people than I, so. I'm cybersquatting kaydeefalls over on IJ and GJ. I don't much like the customization options of either of those sites, and I'm loathe to give up the more than five years' of my life and posts and friends here on LJ, so for now, I'm staying put. Not to mention that my exceedingly multifandom ways would make moving a bitch -- as far as I can tell, it's mainly the HP folks who are talking about up and leaving, but that's only a smallish fraction of my flist, albeit a very vocal fraction this past week. So I'm sticking around.

Over the next few weeks, I'll begin backing up my journal on those sites and elsewhere, and maybe tinkering with my GJ and IJ layouts. But I'd much rather wait and see where fandom actually winds up settling. God, LJ is making my fandom life unduly complicated these days.

lj metaness

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