
Jul 28, 2007 23:47

I cannot WAIT to have my own place. I mean, there's nothing wrong with my roommates -- one is a close friend, and new!roomie is perfectly nice -- but the little things are starting to really get to me in unreasonable ways. I don't say anything about them to my roomies, because I am fully aware of how completely ridiculous they are, but gah, on nights when I get home at nearly midnight after five hours of work and a looong commute and I'm really hungry but I can't cook for myself until I unearth the pot I need from under a mountain of dishes in the dish dryer thingy -- FEH I say. (Of course, this is far better than the one bad egg flatmate in Dublin who would invite all her twenty friends over for a party and then never WASH the dishes, stab stab kill kill etc.) I know that little things like being the only person who ever actually puts clean dishes/pots/silverware/etc. back in the cupboards where they belong -- well, it's an incredibly minor annoyance in the greater scheme of things. Which is why I don't bitch about it to my roommates. But little things have a way of adding up, and it's no one's fault, but that's why I want to LIVE ALONE.

God, I am apparently a complete hermit at heart. But that's okay, because in a little more than a month, I'll be out of here and into my own apartment.

rantish things

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