i always cringe when they destroy Manhattan, AGAIN

May 30, 2004 15:42

Saw Day After Tomorrow yesterday. It was the ideal disaster flick: cool CGI, pretty boy (coughJakeGyllenhaalcough), moderately interesting and amusing supporting characters (Ian Holm!), and plenty of scientific inaccuracies and cheesy lines to make fun of. All in all, a thoroughly entertaining movie. Although I do hate watching my hometown being destroyed in every single disaster movie EVER.

The Boyfriend and I have been having a series of minor spats over the past week or so, of increasing frequency. Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. Nothing serious, anyway, and mainly because we're both stressed out about other things and not quite ready to deal with the fact that school ends in two weeks and then we won't see each other again for more than a month. Blah blah personal issues blah blah blah. Okay, done now.

the boy, films

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