But now I'm updating!
IC is crazy insane with practicing, but not too much homework other than that. So it's kinda weird. Gotta make myself practice lots and lots though.
Classes this semester:
Music Theory
Voice Class
Cello Class (I'm learnin the cello!)
Piano Class
Music Technology
Educational Psychology
Viola Lessons
Freshmen and Sophomore Music Field Experience at the same time... so 45 hours of observation... but I got an extension so I can do some over winter break
So... I'm at school from 9 - 5 or 6 all week... it's crazy, but kinda fun.
IORC got cancelled, so I don't have a job... trying to teach private climbing lessons and work contracts to make up for some of it.
My apartment is AMAZING! It's nice and big, and we're doin a good job of keeping it clean, and just rearanged the kitchen so it makes more sense. Here are
Desk area (lotsa plants!!!)
Other side of desk with fishtank... which apparently has a minivan in it, lol
Bed Area
Living Room
Kitchen :) with no meal plan we all spend lotsa lotsa time in here...
and that's all... I gots to go to the grocery store cause I'm goin to the gunks tomorow :)