Aug 29, 2005 17:47
Okay. It's now official that my dad must have something permenantly stuck up his ASS!!! Regardless of the day of the week or anything. He comes home and he is bitching and yelling. Okay, today I have class and he wanted me to make dinner. Well, my class starts at 7 and I was like I have to go to class and he was like okay. and now he told everyone that they have to fend for themselves.... He isn't gonna get his lazy ass up to make food for anyone other than his fucking self. AHHHHHH!!! He's so dumb. I am so ready to get out of here. Now he is kicking the trashcan...... Umm... right! So, school's been going well. All of my teachers are nice and funny. Haven't really been up to too much. Put in an application at the bookstore and hopefully that will work out, cuz I need to get me a car. If anyone knows of anyone who is selling cheep car, LET ME KNOW!!! That would really be awesome! Well, I'm gonna get all of my crap ready for class and get heading over there. Well, BYES!