Lost Time - Oneshot

Mar 11, 2008 23:05

One minute. Koyama left. He couldn’t stand the sight of his friend so pale and thin in a hospital bed.

Two minutes. Shige left. He just couldn’t look at him. His confidant confined and trapped within this horrid building. He knew Koyama shouldn’t be scared and left grieving alone; he went to look for his best friend.

Three minutes. Ryo left. He merely closed his eyes, not stopping the tears that slipped down is face, and pressed his forehead on the wall, the only obstacle between him and his band mate. What was this cold feeling he felt in his chest? ‘Why?’ was the only word in his head as it repeated over and over. ‘Why must it be someone so close?’

Four minutes. YamaPi left. He placed a hand on Ryo’s shoulder, not willing to let go of something he knew may be the only emotional support he had left. Then he broke; tears just kept falling. ‘How could you choose him?’ ‘Couldn’t you have chosen someone else?’ ‘Must this be his fate?’

Five minutes. Tegoshi stayed. Placing his hand on Massu’s he let his tears fall freely. Sobbing with his shoulders shaking abruptly, he collapsed into a chair beside the bed. ‘Why you?’ ‘Do you have to leave me behind?’ ‘Take me with you please!’ ‘I don’t want to be alone again!’

“Ne, are you scared Massu,” Tegoshi whispered, as though mentioning it would bring it closer to reality, “of death?”

“No, not really,” Massu whispered back, cocking his head so he could see Tegoshi better.

“Why?” Tegoshi couldn’t believe what he was hearing. ‘How could you not be afraid? I’m scared for you Massu, why aren’t you scared for yourself?’

“Death is not meant to be scary; isn’t it just another form of freedom?” Masuda gripped Tegoshi’s hand more tightly and spread his lips, giving his friend and lover a smile full of bitterness.

If you count the number of lines that are in each of the members' 'monologues', I added one line for every member after Koyama.

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tegomass, fanfiction, news

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