Sorry I'm incoherent right now... :OOOOOOO
I'm going to number this off because there's a lot to talk about... I'm copying people.. Muahahaha...
NEW SINGLE?!?! WHAT??? still a rumor but WHO CARES...
ii. H!S!JUMP is getting a
new single as well! Lately I've been accusing myself as a pedo, but Yama-chan's only a year younger than me so I'm better off than some people.. *cough* *cough*
iii. "By the end of it Massu couldn't close his eyes without seeing Ryo chasing after him, dressed in his yellow Eito Rangers uniform, wielding a a large, smiling sunflower, grinning manically and screaming "Sukiyanen Osaka" at the top of his lungs. Massu remembers not sleeping much in the month of May." ~
cynicalism If that caught you're attention, swing your servers over in
this direction for a brilliant MassuxRyo fic whom I have been recently obsessed with... They need more love! *nods*
iv. Moving away from happy stuff, can you BELIEVE
THIS?!? Um.. excuse me WHAT?? WHY??? I don't understand.. My brain is about to BLOW.. I don't know whether to laugh at the people makes these things or cry because Johnny-sama K8 is losing $$...
v. Hop the band wagon and go upload stuff over
HERE~! I know tones of the people who actually bother to READ this journal, like Johnny's Juniors so go help!