Jun 25, 2004 14:31
Monday - Wendsday: I hung with Danielle. We played us some Monoply. . it was fun..we played 3 games . . I won 2 she won 1. So I am the best. lol.
Wendsday : I went over to Laurens when she got home. We went to Blockbuster and got Kill Bill < - - Good Movie, then to TaCo bElL. Yummy. When we were done eating DrEw and DaViD came over and we went swimming forever! It was alot of fun. After they left we went to Brandens forever. It was fun. We left his house around 8am and came back to my house and slept till about 12:30.
Thursday : When we woke up we went to some Dance Stores with Lauren then to FuDrUckErS! Gotta love it. When we got home we just chilled for a few hours then got ready for the BeaCh hOusE! I love that place. Wouldnt be the same if my LaUreN wasnt there! I love her! Then when we got home we ate some pop corn and talked on the phone and went to sleep.
Friday : Woke up watched some Kill Bill with Lauren. Then I went home because of the storm. Now I am about to go take a shower and get ready for my day. Much Love.
katelynn <3 christine
Spencer David Clark. . I know we may get in fights. .but that dosnt change one thing about how I feel about you. You are my everything in the whole wide world. .and not 1 guy is going to beable to change how I feel about you . .I know I can get mad about stupid shit. .and I thank you for putting up with me. .without you I'm nothing. .I hope this lasts forever . . 831 . 8 letters . 3 words . 1 meaning .