Nov 01, 2004 14:12
Friday- Brenden took us home. Then we went up to 7-11 and got us some munchies. Then time passed and we hung out with this one really cool After that we went over to Spencers for a little bit and hung out with Brittiany, Larson, Travis, Driver, Godzilla, Duckie, and a few other people. Then we went home.
Satruday- Woke up really early for my game. We lost. Dean came and watched too. When we got home I took a little nap and then got ready for my other game which we won! Then we played one right after that. We won that as well. Then we came home and got ready for Hunt Club. Monica, Danielle, and Ashley all met us up there. It was the lamest time out of all of them. But I still hadda good time. Then we went to Spencer's for a little bit. We were sooo tired so we left early and went to sleep!
Sunday- Woke up early AGAiN and went to my game. We lost maddd hard. It was a great season though. I love all those girls and can't wait till Spring! <3. Spencer came and watched me too! Then came home and chilled for the day. Trick or Treat time finally rolled around and Lauren and I got our costumes on and got all ready. We were big twin babies! Woo it was fun. Not the same as when you were little though. Oh was my last year. This weekend coming up is going to be a lot of fun as well! Woo excited! <3 Another Lor Kat weekend on the way! <3
katelynn <3
I can't go on not loving you. .
<3 Spencer David Clark
amazing. .its forever . .wonderful
goodies make the boys jump on it