Aug 20, 2004 21:32

Well tonight has been a blast and its not ever over yet. It is Monica's party and there are all my best friends here! Monica, Lauren, Danielle, Ashley, Jessica , Jillian , Brittany , Ellen, Breanna, Amelia , Melissa, Ally , Megan ,& Brittany Hiben. And soon to be Heather Goose! Wooo I love them! We had a water world in her back yard! Slip and Slide, Water balloons, and a baby pool! Because Monica's stupid big huge one wasny quite working bc it is cracked :(. Oh well. We had more fun anyways. Then we had a cake fight and we kinda got in trouble for it. A few boys stopped by : Travis, Kyle, DJ, Duke, Kyle, RC, Josh. & some other kid. I missed Spencer..I havn't seen him in awhile. But tomorrow is our 3 month and I'm very happy about that <33. I have practice kinda early but its all good. I hope I get to see him! Well we have more shit to do! I love Monica Renee Penna!!! And Sunday I'm going school shopping then hanging out with the beautiful Amandas! Woo..I love you! PEACE!

<33 Kay TiZzy < - - - OnE aNd OnLy .

I LoVe yOu SpEnCeR!!! YoUr mY eVeRytHiNg <33
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