we saw jason anderson aka Wolf Colonel at Kilby Court on Saturday. it was absolutely, amazingly, wonderfully, fantasticly, inspiring. that is one hell of a honest to goodness, positive influencial person who can share so much love if it was a drug he would produce kilos of it. so real, so honest. all about the music.it was our saturday night and we sang and we made that night ours. we took everything beautiful and he opened up his head and we saw the garden of delights. we were very touched. turning our smiles brighter. realizing that we take everything for granted.
then we went grocery shopping with waldo.
it was a happy occasion.
he was sooooo adorable. reminded us of juston
they came out in their underwear.some with duct tape around the ankles. some with booty shorts or tighty whities. and a skeleton suit with briefs over em. it was quite the entrance. david bowie package in all.
haha david bowie... you've seen labyrinth right?
fucking hottt!