Jan 07, 2011 06:53
As of November 18th, I'd lost 27.6 pounds and my goal for the holiday season was just to not gain any of that back.
In between November 18th and yesterday, there was Thanksgiving and my birthday. A week-long vacation. Goodies at work. Traveling home for Christmas. Christmas, Christmas, and more Christmas. Eating out. New Year's. And did I mention goodies at work? In between it all, I only managed to attend three meetings.
So I'm proud to report that, after all the celebrating and festivities of the last almost two months, I not only didn't gain, but I lost another 5.4 pounds! (-1.4 this most recent week.) Steve also made it through without gaining--yay!
The best part is that I didn't deprive myself. I ate my favorite Christmas cookies (snowballs) and my grandma's famous cream chipped beef. I had Steve's Frango Mint cheesecake, my aunt's amazing Christmas dinner, and some See's Candy at work. I had garlic knots and sticky buns. I don't feel like I missed out on anything, and I LIKE FOOD, guys. I just didn't overdo it, and tried to make good choices everywhere else, and not too many indulgences in any one day.
For all my hemming and hawing and complaining about the new program in the beginning, I really do like it.