Can you believe it's already mid-November??

Nov 15, 2010 07:15

Steve bought Rock Band 3 recently. With a keyboard! Which is the only instrument I can play. On easy. But anyway! On Saturday, we had people over for a marathon Rock Band 3 and sushi-making day. I've had Rock Band songs in my head ALL WEEKEND. I even dreamed I was playing Rock Band.

Yesterday, I caught up on almost all the TV on the DVR. Even Smallville! I haven't been completely caught up on Smallville in two years. I've actually been really loving it this season, which was a surprise to me after I could hardly make myself watch most of last season.

I'm glad Supernatural this season lends itself well to monster-of-the-week episodes, as those are always my favorites. I've been itching for a lighthearted episode lately, and next week looks like it'll deliver. I hope it's good!

Criminal Minds this week was also especially good. And Private Practice is on a very interesting storyline. All my shows are making me happy!

Also yesterday, I built a Pinhole Camera with a kit. More on that later, once I develop my first roll of pictures. (Develop! When's the last time I had a roll of film developed?)

Weight Watchers update: -2.2 pounds, total 26.4. They're changing the program. I don't like change! I don't know the details, but it looks like they will be incorporating carbohydrates and protein into point calculations, in addition to fat, calories, and fiber. I know ultimately it will be a good thing, but it sounds more complicated and right now, all my resources have points figured the current way. Bah! Unless she's really on top of things, I won't be able to use for restaurant points. All the recipes we printed from which don't list nutrition info, just total points, will have to go. Hopefully they re-do all their recipes and we can just re-print them, but bah! Work!

I have a really good spinach and mozzarella meatloaf recipe to share, but I have to get my rump in gear and get out the door to work in a minute here.

ww, tv, playin' video games, music

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