Jan 10, 2005 22:26
ok so let me just elaborate on the monsooning that is going on in la... i dont think people who arent here can understand. no its not like raining in Oregon and Washington... its way worse. why? because its california and they have no idea what rain is.. so they are in no way prepared for nonstop rain for 2 weeks. On our way to school this morning and we deside to get on the freeway because its been surprisingly empty this week due to californians being scared shitless to drive on the freeway in the rain. so anyways we were driving along not only was the hydroplaning every mile weird enough but we saw 10 cars in a row with flat tires... hmmm... confused about what was going on, we got off to be safe. the second half of the drive got worse.... the rain was so hard the windsheild wipers werent doing a damn difference....about every 3 roads we crossed we had to wait 10 mintues until the cars got through the intersection and then see why it was taking so long.. a river.. in the road.. that we had no choice to cross. im not exaggerating at all, i wish i were. no curbs because the water leveled out the roads with the curbs. i think if i were to stand in one of the puddles that it would not only be up to my hips but also float me down the city. people have died... so many have lost homes.. it just weird that this stuff happens. its really cool rain and i would love it if i didnt have to go outside in it.