
Dec 25, 2005 22:29

So it's Christmas night, and i'm home alone at my apartment updating my journal! I bought a book on crocheting and was trying to teach myself but it's not going so well... I did the family Christmas Eve thing last night at my aunts house. we play this fun present exchange game but the past few years i've ended up with the odd presents. this year it was coupons for big boys...which i can't eat, a check for $10...which is nice, and a big bouncy ball. yeah...not too into the bouncy ball thing anymore but it's from my grandma and she bought it because it's pretty. i tried to get my cat patrick to play with it but i think he's afraid of it.
My diet is especially hard this time of year but I've made it through without cheating on donuts, cookies, and bread that looks so soft! This is usually the time that i'm weak and eat something like that but i've been strong. i've also been getting sick a lot lately and dont want to purposely do it to myself!
I didn't get too many presents this year but it was ok since my mom told me she'd help pay for my season pass to perfect north. i've been recapping on the year a bit the past few days since it is almost over. at first i thought i had a pretty uneventful year but as i thought about it i guess a lot happened. here's a few things i want to get down for myself...and anyone whose interested i guess...

- I passed all my classes since last january! trust me...that was a big one for me. i even raised my gpa slightly this semester. hopefully, only a year and a half left!!

- I got a job at redwood rehabilitation center and i love it. i miss working one on one with kids with autism but i love being able to see children with so many different types of disabilities.

- I was single for the majority of the year. minus a few months...this is a big thing for me considering i'm usually never single for more than a month! it's been painful at times but i'm sure good also.

- My friend from high school got married and I was in her wedding! wow, talk about growing up! I'm so happy for her and still excited about how they're doing. I also love to gloat about being the one who set them up!!

- I've had other friends get engaged, included my best friend Vanessa. I'm going to be the maid of honor for her wedding in June. I'm very excited about it. I went to vegas in october to help with some wedding planning and got to meet Brians family. I'm so happy for her. I feel like she's grown up so much faster than me! Even though she's two months younger than me she always acted so much older so I kinda expected this. It is hard to imanine my friend who hated boys and boobs for so long is going to be a wife!

- I moved into a one bedroom apartment. I really love having my own space and place for the first time in my life. It's boring at times but I'm defiantly a lot more focused on school. It's also wonderful to not have to deal with girl drama, and unexpected parties on exam nights...

- I got a cat, Patrick. This is my first cat and I'm still learning a lot about him. We kinda have a love/hate relationship so it's a good thing he's handsome. I really hate that so many people are allergic to him!

- My mom has remained cancer free this year. She is still having problems, maybe due to chemo and radiation that she went through but so far no cancer has shown up.

- My dads cancer has spread twice this year but both spots were removed. He's had a spot from his lung removed and some more tumors and tissue removed from his arm. He is still feeling great, loving life, golfing, loving his company, traveling around the world, beating everyone at darts, and acting like his goofy and slightly annoying self!

- Everyone else is my family has been doing well..

- I haven't gotten in any wrecks that damaged my car this year! I did get in one wreck in june but that should count....

- I've partied and had my share of getting drunk earlier this year! I also now have something that I really regret doing from being drunk that caused me to loose contact with a good friend for a while....I'm a lot more careful now!!

- I've made a lot of new friends that I'm able to have a good time with and be myself with which has been really wonderful!!

I think that's about it...if i think of other things i'll try to add them but i doubt anything that substantial will happen this week!

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