Title: The Other Side - Ch.6 (teaser)
Author: kaybee38
Rating: PG-15
Pairings: Minho/Onew, ninja!JongKey, Cousin!Taemin
Genre:vampire, fantasy, sci-fi, character death
Disclaimer: SHinee is owned by SM Entertainment only
A/N: This is dedicated to Heechul who goes into the army next week. i'm still profreading this chapter and the next, but here's a a bit for ya. (Click
here for earlier chapters.) On another note, for those of you in the mid-atlantic USA region, like
"The Other Side" - Chap.6 (teaser)
Taemin stopped at the little dingy market nestled between the dry cleaners and the jewelry/electronics store looking both ways before stepping inside. As he shut the door behind him, he looked above him when he noticed that the little bell that usually tinkled announcing customers’ arrival had been replaced by a set of silver wind chimes. As he looked towards the old man at the register, he unbuttoned his sleeve, revealing the small Aramaic tattoo on the back of his wrist before running the same hand through his hair. The man at the counter gave him a once over, before returning his steely gaze to the newspaper laid out on the counter in front of him.
Taemin walked right to the back of the store past a few customers and through a door marked “Employees Only” through a little break room, and right up to a wall. Wiping his hand over it as if looking for something, Taemin pulled one of his silver arrows from its quiver. He turned it in his hands and used it like a pen to write an invisible inscription on the wall, again in Aramaic. Within seconds, the inscription lit and crackled with electricity before the outline of a full-sized door appeared and did the same. It was outlined in an ethereal blue color which shifted as he pushed it open and stepped through. The entire wall returned to normal behind him as he crossed the threshold and into a large, old meeting room.
Taemin could smell the scent of old leather and cedar as he looked around observing at least 10 other similiarly clad men and women seated around a large oak table. The clean-shaven man seated at the head had jet-black shoulder length, impeccably coiffed hair and wore a tailored black sports coat with matching waistcoat over a blood-red silk oxford. Large square silver cufflinks engraved with the same ancient language as Taemin’s tatoo clasped oversized cuffs together and glinted as he placed his elbows on the table and steepled his fingers in front of him. Raising his head his eyes narrowed slightly as he somehow managed to look down his nose even as he looked up over delicate platinum rimless glasses.
“Nice of you to join us Taeminnie.”
Taemin blinked once, but caught himself before he rolled his eyes at the nickname, deliberately meant to mock his youth.
“Good evening sir. The House of Choi has made their presence known.” He reported.
Having convinced the contents of his stomach to stay put, Jinki realized that he was beginning the slow ascent of sobriety much to soon as Key’s angry face went from hazy to clear for a moment. Patting himself down he found his wallet and took out a wad of bills to pay for his drinks.
“There. I’ve paid. Now give me one more shot!”
Key crossed his arms, studying Jinki for a moment. The man clearly had had one too many, and was obviously drinking away his demons. But he was paying. Before he could respond a cell phone started ringing. Key knew it wasn’t his, and when he turned to look at CL, she just shrugged. The annoying ringing continued, and when Key listened hard, it seemed to be coming from his inebrieated customer’s direction.
Jinki, meanwhile, could not figure out for the life of him why no one was answering the goddamn phone.
“Are you just going to stand there? Or are you going to answer that?” Jinki mumbled into his sleeve as he rested his head on his arm across the bar. The insistent ringing was hurting his head, and he was getting annoyed at the fact that the glass he had been sipping from tasted like water and not whisky.
“Hmm I have that ringtone too.” Jinki mused.
“That’s because it’s YOUR PHONE YOU IDIOT!!”
Jinki almost fell off of his chair at the sound of Key yelling. He almost achieved the feat a second time as he reached for his leather jacket on the stool next to him with shaky hands, and tried to retrieve his cell phone. By the time he found it, it had stopped ringing. Exasperated, Jinki tossed it onto the bar.
“There. It stopped. Now stop yelling and get me another drink.”
Jinki needed to drown out the thoughts, the voices, the random dreams, and night terrors that were so real, they felt like memories, he needed to drown out Minho’s face, his touch…
He needed another drink.