"The Other Side" Chap. 4 (Teaser)

Aug 09, 2011 13:58

Title: The Other Side - Ch.4 (teaser)
Author: kaybee38
Rating: R
Pairings: Minho/Onew, ninja!JongKey, Cousin!Taemin
Genre:vampire, fantasy, sci-fi, character death
Disclaimer: SHinee is owned by SM Entertainment only

Summary: Minho’s a vampire, Key’s a shapeshifter, Jjong is a werewolf and Taemin is a vampire hunter. Jinki is the mortal object of Minho’s affection, or is he? Only Taemin, (Jinki’s cousin) knows the truth.

A/N: Sorry for taking so long to post guys. taking a cue from stjoan4eva  and addicterated . Here's a taste of what's coming in the next chappie. Hopefully I can finish Beta on it tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for reading!


The moment they had stepped out of Keys he felt a surge of heat straight up his spine, and a vaguely familiar tingling sensation at the back of his neck. He didn’t know what Jjong felt, but he definitely looked spooked. Jjong’s eyes narrowed to slits, and his breathing had picked up. He unconsciously rolled his shoulders as if he was shrugging off a jacket, widening his stance a bit, hands curling into fists, nose upturned, sniffing the air.

Minho knew Jonghyun’s current reaction could only mean one thing.

A vampire was near.

No sooner had the thought slipped into Minho’s consciousness when it was interrupted by the sound of tearing fabric and a sharp intake of breath as Jonghyun shivered and then fell forward in a dead faint. By the time he hit the ground, however, his hands and feet were large paws, claws scraping the pavement and his body was covered in soft mottled brown fur. A deep growl that Minho could actually feel through the thick leather soles of his shoes vibrated up through Jonghyun’s fully transformed body as he bared Lychan fangs into the darkness of the alley.

Minho heard the bullet releasing into the chamber split seconds before it was fired and in an instant the vampire and the werewolf jumped away from each other onto opposite walls of the alley. Jonghyun ran along the wall perpendicular to the ground towards the attacker, Minho flew up to the highest fire escape for a better view.

Minho was annoyed that he couldn’t identify the vamp, he should have been able to feel him. At least way before Jjong. Watching the figure in a long trench coat step out from the shadows bearing down on Jonghyun, he recognized the vampire, the sudden glint of the alabaster handle of the gun giving him away as it shone like a beacon in the moonlight.

It had belonged to his maker.

pairing: jonghyun/key, pairing: minho/onew, !fic: the other side, taemin, #rating r, #vampfic

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