My New Year's Wish.....

Dec 31, 2010 22:23


I just whipped the above picture up for all my lovely Shawols out there that have been so sweet to me since I started writing on LJ. If you want the pic as a desktop I have two versions you can download from my page on deviantart. (see below for,links) You can even buy it as a print if you really like it! Please leave me a comment over there if you download it, so I can see if anyone liked it!

SHINee New Year's Desktop Wallpaper art

SHINee New Year's Desktop Wallpaper plain art

! truly wish everyone a healthy and happy New Year where ever you are, and I hope to continue growing as a writer and artists here on LJ with all my new online friends. In that karmic sprit I have 3 wishes for anyone reading this.

Over the next couple of days to do the following:

1) Find a new fic by a writer that you've never heard of to read. (Your friend's "Friend's Entries" lists are a good place to start)

2) Leave them a positive comment

3) Suggest that new writer to your friends (you don't have to friend them, or make it public, just email or PM your LJ friends about it)

To anyone who's ever read my stuff (yes lurkers you too) I dedicate this post to you. To anyone who's ever left me a comment, I send to you the same positive energy that you've given me. And to all 110 of you (what?) who've become my LJ friend, I am truly humbled by the fact that you actually find the stuff I'm writing interesting enough to read, because I really am a newbie author. To anyone who's seen my digital art and given me a positive response, I am truly thankful. Hopefully next year, I can drag some of you lurkers out from the shadows and hopefully you'll feel comfortable enough to comment and join the party! *hugs and kisses*

Special thanks goes out to:

my muse - Honey you are a piece of WORK! But I thank you for those 48 sleepless hours back in October when you wouldn't let me sleep and forced me to embrace my art. You have taught me the meaning of surrender and to respect the process. I am humbled that you chose me as a vessel and I hope I do you proud. Ashé

my man - who puts up with all of my fangirling and regressive craziness and my inferiority complex over my writing on a daily basis but loves me anyway. I love you more than you know bb!

ellie_eunnie - who has got to be the most wonderful donsaeng ever! Thank you so much for running hotel_shinee  with me and being one of the best smut writers on LJ, and the ONLY person I know who can speak 7 LANGUAGES! I STILL look at that Bday post you made me whenever I'm having a bad day. Can't wait to collab on sumthin! Remember how beautiful you are at ALL times. Unnie loves you!

stjoan4eva  - who left me my first comment on LJ EVER. And who inspired my fic "The Stripper" with her own jewel "Fleeting Indulgence". I had never read anything like it on LJ. Thank you for answering my "Random Questions" and proving that you have the same twisted sense of humor I do. Although I'm your Beta, I feel like YOU'VE taught me so much! (Y'all can thank her for all the crazy tech speak and gear on L.O.R.D.S., Inc. Btw). Thank you for giving me Scrivener, and all your cheerleading, and pestering me to post Ignis. You are truly an incredible writer Tiff, and a wonderful person, NEVER doubt that!

kinnosuikazura  - for being my Beta Buddy for Tiff and making her the happiest person I've ever witnessed! Your writing skills are incredible and your imagination is boundless! I love our late night Beta sessions. Thank you for teaching me how to *squbble* and *bounce*

ixjaydee  - YOU are an incredible writer for REALZ! Thank you for being such a wonderful cheerleader of Ignis and for introducing me to the wonders of Jongyu. I LOVE Bricolage and Stranded and Quake. and I love that your so into scyfy like me! Can't wait to collab cuz I aim to misbehave! *giggle*

hitsujiga  - You have also been around since I first got here and I really appreciate all of your input, comments and for introducing me to Yuu-Shan (yes, I was paying attention). You're commentary is hysterical! And also I haven't always been great at commenting, know that you are appreciated.

folkin_up_again  - For also leaving me one of my first comments, and for being a constant source of entertainment with your tales from the ambulance, and general commentary on life. Your writing is always an inspiration and I can't wait to delve into your library of work! Thank you so much for your medical info! It was a great help on Ignis. And thank you for proving once again that you can truly be a dedicated fan to more than one group. "Say Shava Shava!" *dances around*

addicterated  - YOU! I can't even...first you stalk me, now I'm obsessed with YOU! First, you are really an incredible writer with a taste for not explicit smut, (which has it's place) but for a level of sensuality in your fics that goes with it that is just....mind blowing. Thank you for introducing me to KyuChul and for schooling me on the sexual pshychology of OnTae. Can't wait to work on stuff with you too!

giveitupjessica  and annyeonghase_yo   - I'm thanking you two lovelies together because I feel like y'all are the 2Min Freaky Wondertwins or something you collab so much. Jess, thank you for feeding my addiction with your "Paper Cuts" series et, al. I don't know how you do it girl, you are a machine, and Dorian, you are just adorbs! I LOVE the way you write Taemin in "Bodyguard", and that LINK from "Jjong and Kyu's Present" and how the two of you wrote that 2Min smut series? WHUT? I'll never look at my dryer the same way again. (umjussayin)

mumuja -  Who left me my second comment ever and who I stalked read for months before asking her to critique my first fic. Which she did! you are really a great writer, Formosus Tenebrae is brilliant! and I hope to be on par with you in the future

dinz  - Who wrote a fic based on my first prompt suggestion ever, and who is another fabulous writer! I'm glad your computer's fixed bb! So glad to have you back!!

eijifujiryoma  - JC! you are my TofuHo buddy for REALZ! You were the only other person who I knew who liked my OTP and wasn't ashaned to admit it. Thank you SO MUCH for your support and for being an awesome writer!

onewlurver  - For being such a sweetheart, and the most dedicated lover of Jinki that I've ever seen. You GO gurl!

fayeiii  - you are an incredible writer and "Terms and Conditions" is epic! i also love all of the music that you suggest along with your fics, I've downloaded so many new artists since getting to know your work! (Please be my friend, *sniff*)

vipjuly  - You are truly one of the best writers on LJ. I was really touched by your comments on "The Stripper". Everything you write has me spazzing all over my computer.  My muse wants to be your muse when it grows up!

hambaobao  - (a.k.a.- noraehaeyo ) Who probably will never read this, but who has inspired me to bring my writing up to a whole other level and who inspires me with his personal monologues about life on this planet from his corner of the universe. I find you insightful, thoughtful, extremely intelligent, talented and sometimes I feel, (to quote my mama) that you've "been here before". Stay true to yourself at all costs. Noona is very proud of you.

I encourage anyone reading this to read something from one of the authors I mentioned above, I've learned something from each and everyone of them and you will too!


hugs and kisses

happy new year, new year's, lj writers, special thanks

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