The Depth of Art & Crowd Sourcing.

Aug 03, 2011 18:15

I keep feeling I should move to Dreamwidth. I have an account but there's nothing to see there yet. It took me a while to even warm up to Livejournal after getting an account back in the day when you needed invite codes. What finally did it was a significant number of my online friends from other sites using LJ. But so far, not enough have switched over to DW to entice me. Anyway, if you follow me on G+ you've read these, but since I've been absent on LJ -- I blame the recent DDoS in part -- and I feel a bit like I've lost my LJ mojo*, I'll just strong together a few of my posts.

When people go on about the depth and complexity of a creative work I often wonder if the person who made it intended it that way. I suspect people interpret things in ways the creator never intended nor expected. Perhaps that piece commenting about the determination of the human spirit struggling against the cruelty of life was just meant to be a fun story about a boy and his dog, and what was one just an apple in a fruit bowl becomes a symbol of lost innocence in a repressive atmosphere of moral degradation... or something. I'm just stringing words together here that sound fancy. Case in point:

This video

While on the topic of art, when a suggestion is made to turn to crowdsourcing sites such as Kickstarter and IndieGoGo as a means to fund a project, I wonder if and when the number of people asking for money is going to exceed the number of donators. I believe for any given interest the number of people who can and will pledge increases a slower rate than the number of people seeking backing, so will sites like Kickstarter reach a saturation point? In such a situation a limited number of pledgees will have to finance an increasing amount of startups. As a result, money will be spread more thinly with the result of fewer and fewer projects reaching their goal. However, maybe backers will instead find one or two of the best of the best rather than spreading their funds too thin. Thus, perhaps the total number of successful projects will continue to rise, though the overall percentage will decrease.

Another thing I contemplate: the number of promotional posts will increase with the number of Kickstarter projects. Will people tire of it? Already I'm a little weary of the regularity of "Fund my Kickstarter project" Tweets, ReTweets and forum posts. Consequently, they're beginning to fade away into background noise.

* Has anyone else? It's strange, but lately it's been harder to write things up. My motivation has been lacking, but it's not that I have nothing to say. Oh no, I won't shut up that easily. *grin*

art thoughts, just wondering, social networking

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