I forgot about it today. I knew about it of course, but when I decided to go to Uwajimaya I didn't take it into consideration, and thus I was rather surprised by the crowd of people there.
While I was by the frozen foods eying some pot stickers and making the all important decisions of beef versus pork, a boy began to make a commotion behind me. He was maybe nine or so -- I'm very bad at estimating ages though -- and began to call out in an increasingly distressed voice, "Dad? Daaad? DAAAD, WHERE ARE YOU?" Soon he began to cry and here is where I began to question my fellow human beings. There were many adults around, Asian and Caucasian, but all they did was watch with perplexed or stunned and embarrassed expressions as the boy hurried up and down the aisle, desperately trying to catch a glimpse of his father. They saw him, and you couldn't help but hear him, but they did nothing. So I did. I followed the boy and tried to reassure him, telling him it'd be alright, we'd find his father. Now, keeping in mind that he may have been warned about talking to strangers, I looked for a worker; perhaps it'd be more comforting to see a "uniform". And just as we were going to lead him to customer service and make an announcement over the PA, his father showed up.
I feel good about myself today, but I hope some of those people are a little ashamed of their behavior. It wasn't like it was a case of risking your life. It was just a matter of helping a little kid.
Anyway, for the CNY I present a little something I did in Painter. It would have been easier in PS though. Oops. Also, that should read "harmony" on the mooncake; I hope I got it right.
Lastly, I'm slowly reading Northern Lights, a.k.a. The Golden Compass, and though only sixty-odd pages into the book the differences between the book and movie are notable. They're not all bad, necessarily, but some changes I wish they'd not made. More on that when I'm done.