More Neat Steampunk

Jan 29, 2008 00:20

I was researching for an idea I have and came upon some neat steampunk related machines and art. I had to share.

First is a typewriter inspired laptop. This is apparently a Japanese sculpture that apparently is actually functional. BoingBoing commentor Adam said, "It's not a 'sculpture' -- it's a working computer. In his notes, the creator resists comparisons to Gilliam and Cronenberg, saying 'if you look carefully, you'll see it's totally different.'"

The laptop I posted about last year, but I'll include it again here.

Christopher Conte does some neat mechanical work, but I was particularly fond of his mechanical insect.

Jeff Deboer's little metal mice were cute too.

Lastly is “Professor Whistlecraft’s astounding Incendiary Automaton”. It seems to be a "toy', but the link to the creator's website isn't working, so instead is the link where I found out about it.

That's all for today.


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