Jan 12, 2005 22:54
I used to think I was horribly out of touch with world events, especially politics, which don’t interest me much so I tend to block out, but I guess my dosage of CNN, various online blogs, and such makes me better than some. I’m still amazed that some people in the US who are technically “adults” hadn’t even heard of the tsunami until last week, nearly two weeks after the disaster. It’s just… gee. From what I know the coverage began the day after, and I - who’ve already admitted I can be woefully behind on the news -- heard about it Sunday.
To me knowledge is important. I don’t expect people to be especially informed about every little detail of our world, -- I sure as heck am not -- but when I run into someone who shows a good range of knowledge or willingness to learn it’s nice, even impressive. I acknowledge that some people I might not have time. There was a period when I didn’t know much of what was going on because school kept me so busy, but I did hear things secondhand from friends and classmates, on flyers tacked to public boards in the hallways, or in the school newspaper. One has to exist in quite an isolated little bubble to miss some things. Anyway, it’s those who have the “it doesn’t concern me” or ostrich with its head in the sand attitude that I think is foolish.
What you don’t know can hurt you. I may not always be able to do anything about it, but I can learn from things, and maybe get them before they get me. *maniacal laughter*