Poking Fun

Jun 15, 2004 00:29

I M teh So tred/drUNk/StONedd/terrifried from Grayces drivin. it fUnnEh no? Kan bearly type keep misibng keeys so bda.

There’s a lot to talk about, but my attention span and energy level are wavering, so further details and photos will come at a later date. Suffice to say for now, I had a wonderful time, and hope we can do something similar to that again in the near future. My only regret is it ended all too soon.

Anyone who knows Rice's stance against fanfiction of any kind and JK Rowling's opinion no the matter will find this amusing:Reportedly contained in the Wizard Cards section of the PoA video game:

Amarillo Lestoat
Flamboyant American Vampire. Author of "A Vampires Monologue"; intended to bore the reader into a stupor making him/her easier prey for vampires.
Since Puppet Pals -- To those who missed the flash animated shorts: The link is HERE -- are fun, here are some icons of them:
- Two by mermaidkween
- By lena__crest and minttea

Finally, let's go over the difference between "servant" and "slave". servant - 1. one who works for another, esp. one who does domestic chores. 2. one who provides services, esp. to or on behalf of a government.
slave - 1. one who is owned by and forced to work for another with no pay or personal rights. 2. one who is a captive of some habit or other influence. 3. a person who works hard and without imagination, as in a dull or routine job.
While there are indentured (a contract by which one person is bound in service for a specified time as apprentice to another) servants, one is not necessarily the other, and neither automatically means they’re a repressed, beaten, abused, or otherwise mistreated, so why do people insist upon writing characters so tragic?

harry potter

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