Disconnected thoughts over the course of an afternoon.

Apr 30, 2004 14:11

Raaaaaaar! *flexes bicep* Hm. That didn’t turn out quite as I’d hoped. *pokes bicep* Oh well.

Sometimes I wish I’d get into a fight, just to release any pent up aggression. (Sounds like Fight Club doesn’t it?) I’d probably get pummeled though. Now if I had a wiffle bat they’d see who is the Boss!

Sue, the girl who long ago invited me to go on an outing with a group then neglected to tell me the time changed, I learned was afraid to contact me for the longest time. She was extremely concerned to the point of paranoia that I was mad at her, and at first I was, but things like that happen. She genuinely felt bad, apologized profusely, and I forgave her. Now she sends me e-mails about her outings with her friends, leaving me the option to tag along or not. Maybe I will. I just hope they don’t try to play matchmaker again. I do so dislike that.

I’m trying to drink more water, and so far I’ve only noticed I have to pee more. Yay. I’m sure people wanted to hear that.

Lately after I eat at some fast food place like Mickey D’s afterwards I feel more sick than satisfied, and I wonder why I did that.

Whilst surfing and writing and in a very mellow mood this past week I sang and recorded it (there may be the clickity clack of keys in the background), and if you want to hear it you must pay me in money or donuts. I also have Sarah singing the Frog song on my machine, and that’s up for bid as well.

I like to tuck one leg under me or sometimes sit cross legged in my chair, and my coworker makes fun of the way I sit. He’s so mean, but so am I, so we’re even.

I tossed on itty bitty piece of fruit into the trash yesterday, and now my wastebasket is Fruit Fly Central. I must nip this invasion in the bud.

People who write about their sexual exploits in a public journal I cannot relate to. It’s not the sex that bothers me, but that they don’t consider it personal enough to even filter it. It’s a case of TMI. I feel sorry for the boyfriend and think she should just get herself a toy if she’s so… needy.

I want to play paintball, but no one here will, and my suggestions for a Management vs. The Rest of Us tournament as part of a team building exercise always falls upon deaf ears. They think I’m joking.

I’ve been eating poorly recently and neglecting my veggies, so I’ve been taking vitamin supplements. They’re horse pills. While at Walgreen’s, meanwhile, to get those pills, I saw the enema kit at again. I thought of Sijo. I’m pretty sure it’s a bad thing when one associates an enema kit to a person, but maybe I’m mistaken. *smile*

From 2pm until 2:11 pm I was lonely. Then a coworker talked to me until I willed him away with wave power. I am no longer lonely.

People who watch Food Network are cool. The rest of the population are uneducated fools with no taste. They can’t cook either and will go the way of the dinosaurs due to starvation whilst trying to figure out where the toast goes in the toaster.


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