Randomized Post

May 03, 2012 02:06

Oohhhh..... This is going to be a big one.

  1. There is no more Thursday. It is now Therthday. It's my favorite day of the week.

  2. Yuki's sparkly. A sparkly unicorn. He's majestic. So.... Pretty.....  He needs more glitter and pizazz.
  3. All of my sims are now moved to here: http://jandkssims2.tumblr.com I will post my old sims there eventually. I am also posting downloads there. So you can play with my sims, now. Still working on binning them full, but if you have their cc it will show up on them. I no longer have any of the sims posted here. New neighborhood. Yeah. My game crashed again. Awesome, right?
  4. TORA'S PECTORAL TATT IS A TIGER! Okay? Mystery solved. Now let's enjoy their music, instead of oggling them all the time. Oi.....
  5. I think I have found Saki's clone. Holy crap. Why? How? Wha? O_______O He's a bassist, though. Weird...

  6. Damn.... Why you have to be named Lily?
  7. I recently got a giant external drive. Like terabyte, yo. But My computer's still a POS
  8. I LOOOOOVE Koei Warriors. Dynasty Warriors. Samurai Warriors. Romance of the Three Kingdoms. The Shogun. Ah.... So great. I'm really into the history of it, too. I found a tumblr for that too: http://warriorseries.tumblr.com/  And on that note I leave you this:
    Yukimura as a cat.... Yup.
  9. 私は、日本語でまだ恐ろしい!  私はまだちょうど話すことができません。  しかしながら、私はよく読まれることができます。
  10. Dude. Guys. I can tell you 3 J-Rockers you need to stay away from because you'll get an STD. Seriously. No joke. They be hos. Gunji, Shindy, and Xi. Seriously. These are the three worst offenders I've encountered and... It's just too much. Too much. Calm down, you walking libidos!

  11. Computer! You suck!

  12. Ah.... You're such a goober.
  13. Am I the only one that notices that Iru from A&D looks like Jia from Miss A? Sort of freaks me out because Iru's kind of hot. Jia isn't really. I feel confused.
  14. Yo. Is everyone gone here? O_o Seriously? What happened?

  15.   If I wasn't taken I'd be all over you. Hot and nuts? My goodness you're amazing.
  16. I'm learning how to cook. Yeah. Soon I'll be the perfect housewife =__=
  17. I'm back into Animal Crossing, as well.

    Thanks. Right back at you.
  18. My taste in j-rock has changed some. The bands I'm into now are: A&D, FEST VAINQUEUR, Alice Nine, ViViD, LOST ASH, Anli Pollicino, Calmando Qual, MoNoLith, SCAPEGOAT, EVE, Viru's, and Mix Speakers Inc. There are more that I'm getting into, but those are now my top. What order? Can't tell you. Hurrrr.... No really. It changes.
  19. I've gotten into papercraft. It's tough, but rewarding. I'm working on my 5th one.
    This is the only one I took a picture of. The one I'm working on now is HUGE! I have been outting the scalp of it on my cat's head. What a cute hat!
  20. I'm still doing chibis. In fact, I'm sellnig them at AnimeNEXT, so if you find me flag me down! Go to my Deviantart for details.
  21. I'm in and out of RPing right now. Currently out. If you want to join up, let me know. But It may be awhile until I start up again.
  22. So yeah. Leave a comment when you can. I honestly don't know who uses this anymore (or cares about me), so if you give me a notice I'll start using this more again. Because I blog where people respond.
  23. Shou is an evil evil man
    Did you all see Nico Nico?
    Pure evil.
  24. I do listen to some K-Pop. But I can't look at the singers. It makes me feel old. And like a pedophile. Even Big Bang is off limits for me. So instead I'll keep listening to that repetitive bass and dance around like I'm in da club.

  25. image Click to view

  26. I think I've gone completely insane. No really. I've lost my mind.

  27. It's all normal until Kenzy gets in the picture.
  28. I will admit it. I've gotten into this fandom. Utaite. But this is the only one I listen to.
    Sekihan. Amazing. He's a woman and a man! He greatly appeals to my bisexualness.
  29. I bet I just killed your internet. Hurrr..... You win cookies if you got to this point.

  30. That's it. Enjoy

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