So I've been resting on the couch (not feeling well -_-). I was watching TV and saw a show on a new movie.
Anyone heard about Nine? It's by the same person that did Chicago. It's a musical about a director of old Italian movies and his love of women XD I already forgot the guy's name (heheh. Obviously wasn't paying attention to the guy), but the main women are Kate Hudson, Penelope Cruz, Fergie (What? Fergie can act? O_o), and there's a few others I forgot. Brain's not working right. Sorry.
So I was watching the show and wow O_o Penelope Cruz's dance was awesome. Sliding down a satin sheet and a rope dance. I wish I could do that. Looks fun. You know, I didn't really think she was really pretty until that. Kate Hudson's was interesting too. My best description is Ricky Martin's Shake Your Bon Bon music video XD
I really liked Chicago, so I think I'd like this too. I might actually make an effort to go to the theatre.
You know. Maybe I shouldn't want to watch movies where women run in their underwear ^-^' I can't help it. These musicals are fun.
On another note, OMG I'm posting here! XD