Duodecim diary - Day 6

Mar 29, 2011 22:09

'k, skipped a day again since I didn't play much yesterday outside of recording stuff for this basic Firion assist combo video.

Today I played a bit online with some person I met yesterday also - he found me through my YT videos. He doesn't have much experience (vs Firion and lag, at least), but I think he's got a good mindset.

Other than that, nothing much... I helped Hallabaloo test a couple ruleset changes, although I was so tired by then, I couldn't help that much with input. XD
Later on, Nero was experimenting with some stuff and based on something he found out, we discovered a glitch. But I'm not telling what it is.

I also decided to dabble a bit more with assists. This time I tried Sephiroth assist for Firion... As much as I hate to admit this, he does seem to work pretty well with him - good range, long move duration for comboing into Rope Knife on the ground, can also combo off of Swordslash... But he's so generic, I don't want to use him. I'd rather use Tidus or Garland, even if both are a bit stage dependant.

gaming, duodecim diary

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