On cancer

Jul 18, 2012 21:04

Changed my journal layout (again - seeing as I just changed it last night) to fruitstyle's Hope Orange which she has made to raise funds for cancer research (I've reposted her post too!). It just came up on my friends list and I couldn't not help spread the message even if I can't quite donate atm. During my lifetime, I've seen, experienced, live through two people in my life die from cancer, one was a very close family friend and the other was my cousin. I'll just say that these two deaths have upset me quite bit and has coloured how I see comments on cancer or how it's viewed (I've seen it used callously, people throwing around 'oh I hate you, I hope you get cancer' and no, no, no you don't you do not wish cancer upon someone). So it's an issue that I'm rather sensitive towards and well, if you can I'd hope you'll either donate or spread the message around - or even just use this lovely layout! :)


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