u-u Which Donghae? He likes to talk to himself so he's talked to several. x-x If he could be friends with himself I'm sure he'd have a whole community worth of people. -_-;
^^ I hope you'll like Mi... u-u My memory is failing... I feel a vague bell ringing somewhere.
I'll add it but I warn that Teuk is the most horrible phone muse ever...ever.... x-x
^^ Seulgi just did. ^^ Her and Siwon were close on variety shows so maybe that was part of it... .-. I dunno I just remember her really enjoying talking to him.
OMG I need to sleeeeeeep zzzzzzzzzzzpoetanarchyJune 19 2009, 08:41:46 UTC
Lol if I'm ever around at the same time. It seems that now i'm working it's a struggle to catch anyone for more than an hour. .-. and it's hard to rp on my phone. I could do text messages or phone conversations on my mobile aim sn but people don't seem apt to do that u-u but it's the only option I have at work haha (for now when I'm on the call floor I won't be able to touch my phone....VWZ is nazi >_>).
They were so cute. u-u I hated when she'd claim places and Siwon and Yunho at whatever palce would just like...not even know who she was... It was frustrating. :( Cause they get along so well.
Re: OMG I need to sleeeeeeep zzzzzzzzzzzpoetanarchyJune 19 2009, 08:49:38 UTC
I need a phone that will let me sign into all my sns at one time u-u /rambling...GAH KITTY CHEWING CORD!!!!!!
lmao. Oh god...do you remember when they had to do the uhm...I don't even know it's like...you have a phrase they're supposed to guess and you give them hints...and Siwon just FAILED...
A lot of my kids have had mad love for yours in the past. Despite what most people think, your kids are incredibly likable. And angeliqueleader is my babby daddy so.
Negative; ngl, the whole situation with Tony and his ex really was off-putting. and I am, in general, a little weirded out by seeing margera around _O_;;
u-u <3 I like to hear people say that cause I hear the opposite so much on museanon. Haha starting to believe people when they tell me it's probably the same couple people just with a vendetta or something. u-u <3 Teuk says he wants to take custody. :P
Hah... well... bygones be bygones? u-u Margera won't go away, I'm sorry. I tried.
http://community.livejournal.com/rakuen_Yodan/info"> Rakuen Yodan
✏MUSES: angeliqueleader
http://community.livejournal.com/avexasia/info"> Avexasia
✏MUSES: xkeepxonxwalkin, bokgo_princess
http://community.livejournal.com/noisecity/info"> Rakuen Yodan
✏MUSES: monkeyears, imsovip
http://community.livejournal.com/marexliberum/info"> Marexliberum
✏MUSES: j90spark, plusnine
http://community.livejournal.com/aisle13/info"> Aisle 13
✏MUSES: leesoohyuk (Even though he's been in a bad spot lately...)
Homeless but Active
✏MUSES: dul_ee_seo, Thanx4thefish, viva_la_margera
Semi-active: santaria_jase, rhythm_Hunter
It would be me that fucks up the html...and now I don't know what I did to it. -_-; Don't judge me by my html fail plz.
The more I try to fix it the more it breaks...x-x *goes to bed now*
haven't talked to mi enough to know him well, your teuk talked a couple times with my shiwon before he went out of commission >>;;
^^ I hope you'll like Mi... u-u My memory is failing... I feel a vague bell ringing somewhere.
And browthat was me. u__u he just isn't fit for comms, he's shy.
...wgehoiwehgwe BROWTHAT.... x-x /random. Teuk loved him. :/ It all came around a bad time for him/me I think.
Seulgi loved him. I don't know if you even remember her. u-u She thought he was adorable.
LOL teuk can still talk to him if he wants? he got cut but :x his sn is shiwonnie ah and he talks to anyone.
I do remember her. u__u He does as well. Everyone seems to love him and idk why.
I'll add it but I warn that Teuk is the most horrible phone muse ever...ever.... x-x
^^ Seulgi just did. ^^ Her and Siwon were close on variety shows so maybe that was part of it... .-. I dunno I just remember her really enjoying talking to him.
LOL he can IM him or something? and Shiwon can handle it, his Hae for life is afraid of ceilings, it happens.
Aiish I loved them on shows, specially Love Letter. :B
Lol if I'm ever around at the same time. It seems that now i'm working it's a struggle to catch anyone for more than an hour. .-. and it's hard to rp on my phone. I could do text messages or phone conversations on my mobile aim sn but people don't seem apt to do that u-u but it's the only option I have at work haha (for now when I'm on the call floor I won't be able to touch my phone....VWZ is nazi >_>).
They were so cute. u-u I hated when she'd claim places and Siwon and Yunho at whatever palce would just like...not even know who she was... It was frustrating. :( Cause they get along so well.
I loved the one ep where they were partners and had to do the charades guessing game and they totally OWNED.
lmao. Oh god...do you remember when they had to do the uhm...I don't even know it's like...you have a phrase they're supposed to guess and you give them hints...and Siwon just FAILED...
XP Yeah she owned, Siwon failed. u-u It was adorable.
Negative; ngl, the whole situation with Tony and his ex really was off-putting. and I am, in general, a little weirded out by seeing margera around _O_;;
Hah... well... bygones be bygones? u-u Margera won't go away, I'm sorry. I tried.
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