MMMyyeeezzz ;_;
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Silent Hill 5.
Anyway, is anyone here willing to give an old UMD to me? Anything.... as long as it its not boring... LoL demanding, yezz? Well um, yeah, I'd like to have one coz I have never tried inserting and playing a disc in my PSP ever in my life... for like since I bought it (which is more than 6 months old). I bought a PSP without a disc, so it runs with a memory stick. And since then I've been downloading games to a memory stick... cool and uncool. Uncool coz I dun even know if that *(&@(#^@# thing works with a disc in it or not >_< But anyway, I could now try it with the new one I have, I've replaced this with a black PSP--which I havent tried playing it with a disc. LoLz.
I did plan on getting a copy at toy kingdom before... but I could lose almost the whole months bill with that >_> liek, wow! It's more expensive than a PS2 disc. T_T
So yea, anyone willing? I know there will be more expense with the shipping and all, coz I live in another planet, and sadly I can't contribute money to you..... but... welll... yea... if you're still willing to donate old UMDs to me, post a comment and I'll give you my address. This will be like an advance christmas gift for me... Coz Ive never recieved one from teh intarnets.... so, yeah x)
Thanks, y'all! T_T
*now to post this on dA* LoL.
I havs to go to teh office now.